Friday, January 20, 2012

C-Arm Xray machine in use following installation and training.

Special thanks to RAM volunteer technician Jim Massengill for supervising the transport, repair and installation of the new xray equipment in the Lethem public hospital.

A specific training session was also conducted by Massengill with physicians and technicians attached to the hinterland facility to familiarize the clinicians with the technology. With this equipment, an instant xray is displayed on a tv screen to allow for effective reduction and setting of fractures. There is no need for dark room procedures and multiple 'guess and check' repetitions to set a broken bone.

Pictured here is the first client benefiting from the new machine during the observed training session at the Rupununi facility.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

One village, one family, two snake attacks.

Less than one month apart a single family has been unlucky enough to have two members bitten by a Rattle Snake and a Labaria respectively. The four year old daughter had to be evacuated in late December while her father encountered the latter snake shortly after the holidays.

Here he is pictured being assisted onto the waiting RAM aircraft. One can only imagine what the local spiritual leaders will make of this one.

The good news is that both now have been treated at Georgetown medical facilities and today they will be reunited in their home village. Due to an obstetric emergency this morning at the same location, the father has joined the flight in with the organization's air ambulance.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Remote Area Medical officials meet President Donald Ramotar.

From Guyana Times: "Officials of the Remote Area Medical (RAM) Guyana Incorporated and its United States partner mission paid their first courtesy call to President Donald Ramotar, highly optimistic that collaboration with the Guyana government will continue into the future.

The team accompanied by Health Minister Bheri Ramsaran and RAM Board Chairman Patrick de Groot, included Volunteer Director of Operations Stan Brock, Operations Member Jim Massengill and Regional Director Capt. Terrence Trapnell.

RAM U.S.A. Has been involved in outreach missions of a charitable nature throughout Guyana since 1993, ....."

Sawariwau Emergency.

A patient from the remote village of Sawariwau had to be airlifted to the regional hospital after loosing consciousness with low blood pressure and uncontrolled blood sugar levels. He later began seizuring at the Lethem facility and was treated by the physician on call.

Thank you for supporting Remote Area Medical. Your contributions are saving lives while at the same time building local capacity.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Wapishana as a first language.

RAM founder and director Stan Brock, who spent over fifteen years living and working in the South Rupununi many decades ago still speaks fluent Wapishana.

It was the during those years in the isolated savannas and rain forest that the idea for the volunteer medical organization was born.

Here he chats with children in Aishalton village, many of whom speak the language every day at home.

For more information look for his book "When All the Cowboys Were Indians".

Friday, January 13, 2012

The Flying X-ray Machine.

The team of volunteers in Aishalton with the 'C-arm' xray machine disassembled and loaded in back of the RAM Cessna.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Organization Founder visits RAM Guyana.

A team from RAM World Headquarters in Knoxville TN led by Stan Brock arrived in Guyana this afternoon. Pictured here is the donated aircraft being fueled at Timerhi prior to flying on to Lethem.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

RAM flight featured on Demerara Waves

The emergency flight ended running late in part due to poor communications on the hf or 'ham' radio band. Additionally, interference from unauthorized radio operators and even amateur DJ's were once again causing interference on the designated medical frequency.

The aircraft was subsequently forced to wait on the ground in Aishalton as a private vehicle was mobilized to bring the client to the airstrip.

Special thanks to all the public spirited community volunteers in Lethem who helped provide additional lighting in this extra-ordinary medical evacuation flight.

Pictured here is the critical infant being loaded onto the waiting aircraft at Aishalton.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Case Number Four on the Year.

This young boy from the Karasabai community is assisted by villagers into the waiting air-ambulance. He is the fourth emergency client so far for to be evacuated for urgent medical care this year.

The RAM air ambulance runs entirely on the donations, generosity and volunteer support from people who want to make a difference.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year.

Thank you for all the volunteer service, support, prayers, and donations during 2011. Just imagine what challenges and opportunities await us in the new year!