Monday, July 9, 2012

Medical Outreach, By Air.

A Doctor, Dental technician, Physical Therapy Assistant, and a Vision Care worker all took part in the most recent collaboration between RAM and the Ministry of Health. Extending the agencies scarce human resources to reach the most isolated villages and settlements is what the aircraft does well.

Dr Torres, originally from Wowetta village and now working at the Annai Health Center, was able to visit the village of Apoteri for the first time to provide services alongside his colleagues. The team reached over one hundred clients including a boat full from the nearby village of Rewa.  Pictured above in the foreground is Dentex Atkinson Daniels unloading the boat after the ride from the village back to the airstrip.

One of the local teachers was identified by the team as having a critical eye condition and was airlifted that afternoon and subsequently flown to Georgetown to see the Ophthalmologist. Pictured above is a disabled, seven year old SPAN client who is being raised by his grandmother Maud, currently with no public assistance or support of any kind.

An aerial survey was also done on the airstrip development project at Rewa following discussions and a request for support from village councilors. RAM has repeatedly assisted villages with the development and certification process in collaboration with government authorities.